Click on the links below to view available presentations from the plenary sessions.
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session 1 - Mine Action and the Environment
- Mr. Iain Overton, Executive Director, Action on Armed Violence
- Mr. Richard Boulter, Senior Programme Manager, UNMAS South Sudan
- Dr. Sarah Njeri, Academic Researcher, African Leadership Centre, King’s College London
Plenary Session 2 - Mine Action for People: Dimensions of Diversity
- Mr. Dahir Abdurrahman Abdulle, Director General, Somalia Explosive Management Authority, Somalia
- Ms. Fadwa Benmbarek, Head of Programme, UNMAS Iraq
- Ms. Natalia Morales Campillo, Gender Coordinator, Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines, Colombia
Plenary Session 4 - Thinking Safety and Acting Safely in the Digital Age
- Ms. Meritxell Relaño, Director, Office of Emergency Operations, Geneva, UNICEF
- Mr. Reuben McCarthy, Regional Manager on Weapon Contamination for the Near and Middle East, ICRC
- Mr. Abel Tesfai, Mine Action Officer, United Nations Office to the African Union
- Ms. Sylvie Bouko, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Consultant, GICHD
- Mr. Danee Luhar, Child Protection Specialist, Myanmar, UNICEF
- Mr. Solomon H. Black, Programme Manager, U.S. Department of State
- Ms. Annemarie Swai, Regional Emergency Advisor, Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, UNICEF
- Mr. Ivan Martinić, Inventor, App
Plenary Session 5 - SDGs from Theory to Practice: Linking Mine Action to SDGs
- Ambassador Prum Sophakmonkol, CMAA, Secretary-General and Project Director, CFRIII, Cambodia
- Ms. Ariane Elmas, Mine Action Advisor, Lebanon Mine Action Center
Plenary Session 6 - Partnerships to Save Lives in Humanitarian Emergencies
- Ms. Christelle Loupforest, Programme Officer, UNMAS Geneva
- Mr. Olivier Cottray, Head, Information Management Division, GICHD
Plenary Session 7 - Improvised Explosive Devices: Connecting Actors for Solutions
- Ms. Diana Castillo, Diplomat, Permanent Mission of Colombia to UNOG and Co-coordinator of the IED Group of Experts of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Colombia
- Mr. Alexander Ralf Riebl, IED Threat Mitigation Advisor, UNMAS
- Ms. Nora Achkar, Humanitarian Project Manager, UNMAS Mali
- Mr. Himayu Shiotani, Programme Head, Conventional Arms Programme, UNIDIR